Community Bible Study

Greenville M EVE NC

Greenville M EVE NC

2024-2025 Registration is now open.


To register online: choose the "Register Now" button in the top right corner (new members only)


Former members, email and request a registration form,


Registration fee is $35. (Scholarships are also available)


We are excited to study the New Testament Gospel According to Matthew this year.


First day of Class: Tuesday, August 27, 2024 for an Orientation Dinner at 6:15pm.


For more info or any questions: "Email Us" below.


This is a Men's Class
TUE at 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Our Greenville, NC Men's Community Bible

Study meets on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 PM

until 8:30 PM beginning September 3rd. We will

meet in person this year at Unity Church but we 

also offer a virtual class by way of ZOOM (video-

conferencing) for those who prefer that method.  

Class meets for 30 weeks and finishes in the

spring each class year.

Currently Studying: Matthew

Come see what happens in people’s lives when they discover God through the study of His Word, the Bible.

Our classes meet weekly during the school year.

Each class member receives a course book with a commentary and home study questions.  Or, if you prefer, we also have online course books.

Each week, you will participate in a small group discussion and view a teaching on that week's lesson.



David Sawyer
Teaching Director
Frank Fisher
Associate Teaching Director
Tom Proffitt

Upcoming Events

Locations and registration

Year 2024-2025


Unity Church

4301 Charles Blvd, Greenville, 27858

Tue at 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
